But to summarize what didn't make it in the blog, I found a set of new comfort seats, installed a dash, wired up some audio goodness, replaced the antenna 3 times including the factory wiring which was gone, changed some P/S hoses, got it detailed and sold it to a nice man in San Diego. It currently has euro bumpers. I couldn't be happier. It was a cool car, but not the time for it.
Same could be said about the M3! But there is too much invested to stop now. We're getting used to the routine with West and I've been able to dedicate a few weekends here and there to getting the M3 back to where it should be. It took a back seat and has been sitting for the most part. I'll be updating the next few posts with some of the more major items that happened in 2012.
There's going to be a lot of overhauling happening in 2013 including a complete rear suspension overhaul which I've naively just started the other day. (gulp)
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